我爱孩子 新闻 八年级英语上册Unit 2 How often do you exercise Section B(3a-self check)课件(人教新目标版)

八年级英语上册Unit 2 How often do you exercise Section B(3a-self check)课件(人教新目标版)


Unit 2
How often do you exercise?
Jane is a 16-year-old high school student
                in the United States. American Teenager
                magazine asked her about her habits.  Jane has a lot of good habits. She always  exercises and she reads books _________. Also, she _______ drinks juice and she ___________ stays up late.
However, she has some bad habits, too. She _______ watches TV for more than two hours a day, and she __________ eats hamburgers. Her parents are not very happy because she __________ helps with housework and she ______ goes to the dentist for teeth cleaning. She says she is afraid!
1. however副词,意为“然而,可是”,表示转折关系,可放在句首、句中、句末。
   e.g. 我很饿,但她却给了我一些水。
           I was hungry, however, she gave me some water.
           My father, however, didn’t drive there.


