我爱孩子 新闻 九年级英语全册Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B(2a-3b)课件(人教新目标版)

九年级英语全册Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B(2a-3b)课件(人教新目标版)


Translate the phrases.
walk to school
 on the soccer team
worry about
 all the time
 be nervous about
 P.E. class
Read again and answer the questions.
1. From what time did Li Wen become less interested in studying?
2. Did Li Wen’s parents live far from him? How do you know?  
After his parents moved to the city and looked for jobs there. He missed them and he often felt lonely and unhappy.
Yes. They took a 24-hour train and 5-hour bus ride to get to his school.
Use clues from the passage to help you guess the meaning of the words.
1. influence
对比李文的父母外出找工作前后李文的行为和思想表现;下文“他变得对学习不感兴趣、逃课、考试不及格”等情况的出现, 可知是李文不高兴的情绪“影响”了他的学业。influence意为“影响”。
2. absent
由上下文“他对学习不再感兴趣”、 “他考试不及格”, 关键词classes, 可推测 “他经常缺课”, absent意为“缺席, 不再”。
3. boarding school
上文“ …he was absent from classes and failed his examinations和Li Wen’s parents made the decision”可知其父母送其去了一所寄宿制学校。


