我爱孩子 新闻 2020年中考英语复习重点词汇解析专题18U、V、W、Y字部



专题十八 U,V,W,Y字部
1. understand

用法:make oneself understood清楚表达自己的意思;understand+ that/wh-从句。例如:
I’m not very good at German, but I can make myself understood. 我德语不太好,不过我能说清楚自己的意思。
You don’t need to understand how computers work to be able to use them. 要使用计算机不需要非得搞懂它的工作原理。
词性转换:understanding  adj.了解的额,有理解力的;n.谅解,理解;understandable  adj.可以理解的
反义词:misunderstand  v.误解,误会
(2019,北京卷,阅读C)To a certain degree, we can understand and control our experience of time passing.
2. use

关联词组:make (full/good) use of(充分)使用,利用;be in use在使用中;be of use (to sb.)(对某人)有用;for use供使用;easy to use使用方便;It’s no use doing sth.做某事没用
动词用法:常用结构有use sth. as sth.把某物用作……;use sth. to do sth.用某物做某事;use sth. for (doing) sth.为(做)某事使用某物。例如:
My parents use the house as a holiday home. 我父母把这房子用作度假屋。
Most people now use their cars to go shopping. 现在大多数人开车去购物。
They were using animals for scientific tests. 他们用动物做科学实验。
Robots have many different uses in modern industry. 机器人在现代工业中有多种不同用途。
the increasing use of computers in education 电脑在教育领域中越来越多的使用
词性转换:used  adj.二手的,使用过的;习惯的;usable  adj.可用的;useful  adj.有用的,有益的,有帮助的;useless  adj.无用的;usage  n.使用;用法;user  n.用户,使用者
20. A recent survey shows that 44 percent of Americans want to use self-driving cars, _________ 34 percent believe that they will make the roads more dangerous.
A. although                       B. because                    C. if
3. usual

关联词组:as usual像往常一样,照例;usual practice惯例,通常办法
用法:It is usual (for sb./sth.) (to do sth.)(某人)通常(做某事);longer/higher/worse than usual比平时长/高/差。例如:
It is usual to start a speech by thanking everybody for coming. 讲话前先感谢大家光临,这是惯例。
He came home later than usual. 他回家比平时晚了些。
词性转换:usually  adv.通常,经常
近义词:normal  adj.正常的,一般的
I find it very easy to lose myself in my diary when I am away from my usual activities.
4. value

关联词组:market value市场价值;economic value经济价值;social value社会价值
to go up/rise/increase in value 升/增值;to go down/fall/drop in value 贬值
○2表示“重要性,用/益处”,相当于benefit,只作不可数名词;be of great/little value很/没有价值。例如:
His research has been of little practical value. 他的研究没有什么实用价值。
词性转换:valuable  adj.有价值的;贵重的;n.贵重物品
45. The Book of Poetry, the earliest collection of poems, is of great value in Chinese       ▲      (历史).
5. visit

Which cities did you visit in Spain? 你在西班牙去了哪些城市?
Eric went to Seattle to visit his cousins. 埃里克到西雅图去看望他的表兄弟。
名词用法:pay a visit to sb./sth.参观/拜访……。例如:
If you have time, pay a visit to the local museum. 你若有空,参观一下当地的博物馆。
关联单词:visitor  n.访问者;参观者
10.If you want to visit the Palace Museum, I        tickets for you tomorrow.
A. will book        B. booked        C. have booked        D. was booking
6. voice

Sophie’s got a lovely singing voice. 索菲有一副悦耳的歌喉。
○2表示“说话声,嗓音”;常用搭配如speak in a deep/soft/loud/quiet voice 低沉地说、轻柔地说、大声地说、轻声地说;raise/lower your voice提高/压低嗓门;keep one’s voice down 说话轻一些。例如:
\”The police are here,\” she said in a low voice. “警察在这儿,”她低声说。
○3还可喻指“意见,呼声”,或“发言权,表达意见的权利”;其后常接in sth.。例如:
Governments need to listen to the voice of people.政府需要倾听民众的呼声。
词性转换:voiceless  adj.无声的;voiced  adj.有声的;浊音的
9.Could you speak in a loud voice so that I can hear you _______________?
A. quickly        B. happily        C. slowly            D. clearly
7. wait

关联词组:can’t wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事;wait and see走着瞧;keep sb. waiting让某人等待
○1wait接宾语时通常先接for;wait (for sb./sth.) to do sth.等待(……)做某事。例如:
I sat waiting patiently for the party to end. 我耐心地坐着等待聚会结束。
Are you waiting to use the phone? 你在等着用电话吗?
○2口语中常用wait a minute/second/moment表示“等一下;等等”。例如:
Wait a moment, just let me think. 等一下,让我想想。
1.Mr. Wang is coming to our school. I can’t wait to see           .
A. her        B. him        C. it        D. them
8. warm

Here, put on your nice warm coat. 来,穿上你舒适暖和的大衣。
Make sure you keep warm! 一定要穿暖和点!
Please give a warm welcome to our special guest. 请热烈欢迎我们的特邀嘉宾。
词性转换:warmth  n.温暖,暖和;warmly  adv.温暖地;热情地
反义词:cool  adj.凉(爽)的:注意其近义词cold(寒冷的)通常与hot(炎热的)相对

(2019,北京卷,阅读A)My host mother is a Chinese teacher and she is really warm-hearted.
9. warn

用法:warn sb. about/against sth.就某事警告某人;warn (sb.) of sth.警告某人某事;warn sb. (not) to do sth.警告某人(不)做某事。warn sb. (that/wh-从句)。例如:
He warned us against thieves. 他提醒我们要提防小偷。
They warned him of the dangers of sailing alone. 他们警告他独自航行的重重危险。
I warned you not to walk home alone. 我告诫过你不要一个人走路回家。
We warned them that there was a tiger in the woods. 我们提醒他们,林子里有一只老虎。
词性转换:warning  n.警告;预兆,预告
(2019,湖南卷,语篇补全)In some places, fast currents(急流)can sweep swimmers away without warning.
10. waste

动词用法:waste sth. on sb./sth.在……上浪费……。例如:
Don’t waste your time on computer games! 别把时间浪费在电脑游戏上!
○1表示“浪费”,常用作单数形式,其后通常跟介词of;常用于短语be a waste of time/money/effort浪费时间/钱/精力。例如:
We should never have gone- it was a total waste of time. 我们真不该去——那纯粹是浪费时间。
They do not know what to do with the waste. 他们不知道该怎样处理这些废物。
词性转换:wasteful  adj.浪费的,不经济的;wastefully  adv.浪费地;挥霍地
(2019,阅读卷,阅读C)Every year, lots of plastic waste goes into the ocean.
11. watch

○1与“看”相关,表示“观看,注视,观察”; watch (…) with interest/amusement饶有兴致地看;watch sb./sth. do/doing sth.看着某人做某事(do和doing区别同see);watch+ wh-从句。例如:
I watched him go, then went home. 我看着他离去,然后回了家。
She watched the kids playing in the room. 她看着孩子们在房间里玩。
Watch what I do, then you try. 你注意看我的动作,然后试着做。
○2与“小心,留意”相关,表示“留心,注意(某事);照看,照顾;关注”;watch out小心,留意;watch oneself当心;watch+ that/wh-从句。例如:
Could you watch my bags for me while I buy a paper? 我去买份报纸,你能替我照看一下我的包吗?
Hey, watch where you\’re going! 嘿,瞧着点路!
○1取动词相关含义,意为“注视,监视;看守;值班”等;其后常接介词on/over;be on watch值班。例如:
The police kept a close watch on our activities. 警察密切监视着我们的活动。
Who’s on watch tonight? 今晚谁值班?
She kept looking anxiously at her watch. 她焦急不安地一个劲儿看表。
词性转换:watchful  adj.注意的,警惕的;watchfully  adv.警惕地;watcher  n.观察者;看守人
One evening Charlie happened to be in the theatre ___5___his mother singing on stage.
5. A. feeling    B. keeping    C. realizing    D. watching

12. weak

○1指身体,表示“虚弱的,不强壮的”;too weak to do sth.太虚弱而不能做某事。例如:
She’s too weak to feed herself. 她虚弱得吃不动东西。
○2指物体,表示“不牢固的,易破的,已损坏的”,如a weak bridge 不牢固的桥
Her husband is a weak man.她的丈夫是个懦弱的男人。
○4形容缺少power,表示“无权力的,无影响力的”。如weak leader/ruler/king软弱的领袖/统治者/国王
词性转换:weakly  adv.虚弱地,无力地;软弱地;weakness  n.弱点;软弱;weaken  v.(使)变弱
反义词:strong  adj.强壮的
22. Ants are pretty small. You might think that they _________be rather weak. But what you might not know is that ants are actually very strong for their size.
A. need                      B. can\’t                      C. must
13. wealth
用法:不可数名词;可用于a wealth of sth.中,表示“大量的/丰富的某物”。例如:
The new manager brings a great wealth of experience to the job. 新任经理为这项工作带来了丰富的经验。
词性转换:wealthy=rich  adj.富有的,充分的;wealthily  adv.丰富地;富有地
(2019,湖北卷,阅读B)Once upon a time, a wealthy old man lived alone in a big house.
14. wear
关联词组:wear away磨损,消磨,流逝
She wears her hair long. 她梳着长发。
熟词僻义:wear还可以表示“磨损,消耗,用旧”,通常与介词out搭配使用;wear (sth.) out(使)磨损;用坏;wear sb./oneself out使疲乏,使筋疲力尽;其过去分词形式worn out比较常见,worn-out可以放在名词前作定语。例如:
He wore out two pairs of shoes last year. 去年他穿坏了两双鞋。
You\’ll wear yourself out if you carry on working so hard. 你要是继续这样拼命工作,身体会吃不消的。
These shoes are worn out. 这双鞋破得不能再穿了。
a pair of old worn-out walking shoes一双穿破了的旧步行鞋
Can we sit down? I\’m worn out. 我们能坐下吗?我都累坏了。
词性转换:worn  adj.疲倦的;用旧的;wearable  adj.可穿戴的
(2019,浙江卷,完形)I listened to the music she listened to, wore the clothes she wore.

15. weigh

Do you know how much it weighs? 你知道它的重量吗?
He weighed some potatoes on the scales. 他用秤称了一些土豆。
熟词僻义:还可表示“认真考虑,权衡(某事)”,常用于weigh sth. against sth.在……之间权衡。例如:
We have to weigh the benefits against the costs. 我们必须把好处和费用放在一起进行权衡。
词性转换:weight  n.重量;weighty  adj.重大;重大的
(2019,安徽卷,阅读B)Aquatic exercise feels easier than exercising on land. Why? You weigh about 90% less in the pool.
16. whole

关联词组:whole life一生;in the whole world普天之下;the whole day整天
形容词用法:仅用于名词前;the whole school/country/village等表示“全校/全国/全村等的人”。例如:
The whole town came out for the celebration. 全镇人都出来庆祝了。
名词用法:主要用于一些短语中,如:on the whole总的看来,总体而言;as a whole整个来看(表示所有部分都已考虑到)。例如:
On the whole, I thought the film was pretty good. 总的来说,我认为这部电影很不错。
The meeting will be great for our city and for the country as a whole. 这次会晤对我们城市乃至整个国家都将是意义重大的。
词性转换:wholly  adv.完全地,全部
近义词:full/complete  adj.完全的,全部的
However, as soon as he started eating, his mouth began ____54____ (burn), his eyes began to water, and his whole face became as red ____55____ the fruit.
17. win

○1可指在竞赛、游戏、选举、战争等中“获胜,赢”,也可指“赢得、获得”奖品;可作及物动词直接跟宾语,也可不及物;win at在……中获胜;win against sb.赢了某人;win by赢了(多少分)。例如:
I never win at cards. 我打牌从来不赢。
We won by just one point. 我们只赢了一分。
○2表示通过努力或凭能力“获得、取得(某物)”。常见搭配如win sb.’s heart赢得某人的心;win sb.’s support/trust赢得某人的支持/信任;win sth. from sb.从某人处获得某物。例如:
I’m trying to win support from my parents. 我在努力争取父母亲的支持。
关联单词:winner=victor  n.胜利者;victory  n.胜利
反义词:lose  v.失败;丢失;失去

Sally wasn’t worried about whether she would win—in her mind, she had already won, by building something better than ever before.
18. wise

用法:可用来形容决定、意见、行动或选择等“明智的,合理恰当的”,也可用来形容人“英明的,有智慧的”;wise后面常接to do sth.。例如:
You were wise not to go. 你没有去是明智的。
She has the air of a wise woman.  她有才女的气质。
词性转换:wisely  adv.明智地,聪明地;wisdom  n.智慧,才智;明智
近义词:smart/clever  adj.聪明的
(2019年,江苏卷,阅读D)The king of my own country, the wise King Solomon, likes this bright purple better than any other color.
19. wish

关联词组:against sb.’s wishes违反某人的意愿;make a wish许愿;wish list愿望清单
○1表示“祝(愿)”,指祝某人好运、幸福等;wish sb. sth.祝某人某事;wish sb. well祝某人顺利。例如:
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 我们祝你圣诞快乐、新年幸福!
My friends wished me well in my new job. 朋友们祝我新工作顺利。
○2表示“希望;想拥有”,相当于if only的含义,通常指不可能或可能性很小的事;作及物动词时,其后常接that从句,从句中的谓语动词通常用过去式或者借助would/could等词,be动词用was或were,已发生的事用had done结构;作不及物动词可用wish for sth.。例如:
I wish they would explain things better. 我希望他们把事情解释得更清楚
I wish I were ten years younger. 我真希望自己年轻十岁。
It was no use wishing for the impossible. 不可能的事情想也没用。
○3表示“想要,想做(某事)”,相当于want或like;wish to do sth.想要做某事;(just) as you wish(正)如你所愿。例如:
If you wish to discuss it further, please let me know. 如您想进一步讨论此事,请告知我。
“I’d like it to be ready by six.” “Just as you wish, sir.” “我希望6点之前准备好。”“听您的,先生。”
名词用法:名词wish后面也可接to do sth.或for sth.;常用good/best wishes (for sb.)短语;口语或书信中常用(with) best wishes表示“祝好”。例如:
He had no wish to start a fight. 他无意挑衅。
She asked me to pass on her good wishes to all her friends. 她请我向她所有的朋友转达良好的祝愿。
词性转换:wishful(ly)  adj.渴望的,寄予希望的
同义词:hope  v.希望
(2019年,山东卷,阅读C)He wanted to see if his wish had really come true.
20. wonder
v. 对……疑惑,感到惊奇;想知道

用法:wonder about/at sth.对某事感到惊讶;wonder +wh-从句/if/whether从句;I wonder/was wondering if/whether在口语中还可用于礼貌地要求某事,意为“我不知道是否……;不知可不可以”。例如:
Sometimes I wonder about his behaviour. 有时我对他的行为感到惊讶。
I wonder how James is getting on. 我想知道詹姆斯的近况。
I was wondering if I could borrow your car? 请问我能否借一下你的汽车?
词性转换:wonderful(ly)  adj.奇妙的,极好的;wonderland  n.奇境,仙境,非常奇妙的
(2019年,山东卷,阅读表达A)Are you wondering what problems others have?
21. worth
adj. 有……的价值,值得……的;n.价值

形容词用法:通常和be动词连用,be worth (doing) sth.值……钱;值得(做)某事;be (not) worth it(不)值得。例如:
One of the pictures is worth £50,000. 其中一幅画值5万英镑。
The local museum is worth a visit. 当地这家博物馆值得参观。
A lot of the small towns in the area are really worth visiting. 这个地区的许多小镇确实值得去看一看。
名词用法:本义指金钱上的“价值”,可喻指“意义,作用,重要性”;常用于ten pounds’/$500 worth of sth.这样的结构,表示“价值10英镑/500美元的东西”。例如:
The new computer system has already proved its worth. 新的计算机系统已经证明了它的价值。
The fire caused thousands of pounds’ worth of loss. 火灾造成了数千英镑的损失。
词性转换:worthy  adj.值得的,有价值的;配得上的:be worthy of 值得……的;worthless  adj.无价值的,不值钱的;worthiness  n.值得,相当,有价值
同义词:value  n.价值
(2019年,安徽卷,阅读A)The island\’s blue sea, white-sand beaches and the forests are well worth seeing.
22. wound

动词用法:通常使用过去分词形式,用一些副词搭配使用,如be badly/seriously wounded严重受伤。例如:
Five people were killed and many others were seriously wounded in the fight. 在打斗中五人死亡,多人受重伤。
名词用法:前面常用一些名词作定语修饰wound,如a leg/head wound腿伤/头伤。例如:
He suffered a serious gun wound in the war.在战争中他受了严重的枪伤。
词性转换:wounded  adj.受伤的
同义词:hurt  v.使受伤
A doctor treated the wound on her back and asked if   27   had any other injuries.
27. A. she       B. he       C. it        D. they

23. young

用法:本义指“幼小的,年轻的”,可喻指国家、组织或学科“新兴的,新成立的”;the young可以作名词,表示“年轻人”;the younger可用于姓名之前或之后,以区别年纪长幼,如younger sister妹妹;William Pitt the Younger 小威廉·皮特。例如:
When I was young, I wanted to be a model. 我年轻时候想当模特。
At that time, America was still a young nation. 当时,美国还是个年轻的国家。
It\’s a movie that will attract the young. 这部电影年轻人会感兴趣。
词性转换:youth  n.青年;青春;青少年时期:He had a dream of becoming a musician in his youth. 他年轻时有当音乐家的梦想;youngster  n.年轻人,少年
反义词:old/aged  adj.老的,年迈的
(2019年,山东卷,完形)But nowadays, the younger people do the traditional way less.


