我爱孩子 新闻 八年级英语上册Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Section B(2a-2e)课件(人教新目标版)

八年级英语上册Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Section B(2a-2e)课件(人教新目标版)


Unit 1
Where did you go on vacation?
Complete the conversation about Jane’s trip to Penang using the information in the diary entries.
Anna: Hi, Jane. Where did you go on
            vacation last week?  
Jane:  I ______ to Penang in _________.
Anna:  Who _______ you go with?
Jane:   I went with my _________.
Anna:  What did you do?
Jane: The weather was hot and _______ on Monday,
          so we went ____________ on the beach. Then in
          the afternoon, we _______ bicycles to Georgetown.   
Anna: Sounds great!  
Jane: Well, but the next day was not as good.  My
           ________ and I went to Penang Hill, but the
          weather _____ really bad and rainy.
We ________ a long time for  the train and we
           were _____ and cold because we forgot to bring
           an __________.
Anna: Oh, no!
Jane: And that’s not all! We also didn’t bring ________
          money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some


